Assorted photos & information
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Names were not listed with most photos.
The existing Holy Family Church was designed so that it could be converted into a gym/parish hall when funds were available to build a permanent church. Because of population growth, 2 school additions had to be constructed and funds were not available to build the church plus the church as gym would have been much too small.
Only those who lived within this boundary were entitled to become a parishioner of Holy Family Parish or enroll their children in the school.
Car to be raffled at 1955 Holy Family Picnic.
East side of church before landscaping and parking lot installed and when women wore hats.
Photo is after gym was built in 1971 and before the 2nd school addition in 1994 that connected the school to the gym.
Aug 22 1954 Bulletin. The other sides of these pages were generic articles from Catholic View, a bulletin publishing house.
Sept, 5, 1954 Bulletin. The other sides of these pages were generic articles from Catholic View, a bulletin publishing house.
2003 picture by Dan Bulleit, class of 1970
Fr. Marchino with Fr. Day behind. undated